The purpose of this website is to suggest some ideas of where we could get to, if we put our mind to it.
With enough creative people getting together, setting some goals for the future, and then brainstorming ideas of how to achieve them, leveraging the power of Artifical Intelligence,
we will end up in a much better place. If we keep doing the same thing we always have done, just tweaking around the edges, we will end up getting further and further behind.
Dramatic change is about to happen, and it can either happen to us or we can make it happen for us.
Imagine we are in 2050. In 2025, some smart people got together and started on a journey of redesigning society.
With small incremental steps exponentially impacting on each other, we have got to a point where in 2050, New Zealand has risen to be recognised as the country that:
- Is ranked highest in happiest place to live.
- Is ranked highest in the sustainability index.
- Has eliminated poverty and homelessness.
- Has the most progressive education for all its citizens, not just the children.
- Has one of the best health care systems in the world.
- Is regarded as one of the safest places to live.
- Has achieved 100% gender parity
This has been achieved by a change of mindset from providing support after the fact, to investing forward.
The Concept
Impact Initiative II
II Creator: Person who creates a broad idea, II (Impact Initiative), to resolve an issue
II Squaddie: People who come together in a II (Impact Innovator) Squad of 4-6 to develop the idea, Creator can be a Sqauddie as well for this II.
An II Squaddie should not be in more than 3 Squads currently working on a II.
II Reviewers: People who have registered to review ideas, not the Creator or a Squaddie for this II
II Squad: A group of 4-6 II Squaddies that wish to work on this II. Where possible this group should be diverse. Ideally a mix of genders, ages and ethnicities.
Having completed an II the squad as a whole may wish to work together on another II at a future date. In the squad there should be a minimum of one squaddie that is familiar with using AI.
II's are created and registered in a backlog. An II may have many attributes that are searchable. The II Creator can tag these attributes.
The Process
Once an Initiative has been created then there may be an opportunity for:
- A Start Up to be created to run with the initiaitve
- An existing organisation to take the initiative and build upon it
- A government agency to change it's direction to incorporate the initiative
- Or some other option
The idea isn't just to come up with solutions but to find ways for them to be enacted so that we can get to the outcomes